
Wha´ts the difference between my Youpehoo account and profile?

Your Youpehoo account

You have to create a Youpehoo account in order to use Youpehoo. Your account is where you'll:

Enter information about yourself such as the name you go by in everyday life, email address, mobile phone number, date of birth and gender.

You may be asked to confirm that this name is the name you're known by. Learn more about names on Youpehoo.
Create a password to log in to your account and access your main profile.

Your main profile
Your main profile is the profile that you create when you sign up for a Youpehoo account.

Your main profile is required and can only be deleted if you delete your Youpehoo account.

Your main profile must be active in order to create and use additional Youpehoo profiles.
This profile represents you on Youpehoo and is a place where you can share information about yourself (e.g. your interests, photos, videos, current town/city and home town). It's also where you'll:

    Use the name that you go by in everyday life.
    Use Messenger as your main profile or create a Messenger Kids account for your child.
    Upload your mobile contacts.
    Manage certain settings such as how people can find and contact you using your contact information.
    Access Pages that you manage as an admin.
    Manage your account settings such as:

Account information: Your contact information, language preferences, payment information and other general information about your account.
Security: Login information, apps and websites connected to your account and off-Youpehoo activity.
 Ads: Ad preferences to control how data influences the ads that you see.
Delete or deactivate your Youpehoo account.

Deleting or deactivating your account will also delete or deactive all profiles managed by that account.