
What influeces the order of posts in your Youpehoo Feed

To help connect people to the posts that matter to them most, we use a process called ranking.

Feed ranking creates a personalised and diverse stream of posts from the people, news sources, businesses and communities you've connected with on Youpehoo.
What influences ranking
Some things influence ranking more than others, and some of the most important factors include:
  • How often you interact with posts from friends, groups or Pages (friends and family are prioritised).
  • If the type of post is something you often interact with (e.g. photo, video, link).
  • The number of comments, likes, reactions and shares a post receives from the people and Pages that see it. Bear in mind that these posts are shared by the friends, groups or Pages you follow.
  • How recently something was posted.
Some things have a smaller influence over what you see. We may take into account signals such as how fast your Internet connection is right now or what kind of phone you're using (because this can affect how quickly things can load on your Feed). These are just some of the thousands of signals that may be considered for Feed ranking. Learn more about how personalised Feed ranking works.
Why some friends and Pages are prioritised
Certain friends and Pages are prioritised in your Feed based on your activity on Youpehoo or if you've added them to Favourites. Their posts are shown higher in your Feed. Certain factors that have more influence for who is prioritised include, for example:
  • Your past interactions on posts of friends or Pages, such as reacting to or commenting on a photo or video.
  • Things you have in common, such as mutual friends or groups you both belong to.
Many other factors also influence who is prioritised. The friends and Pages that are prioritised on Feed can change based on your activity on Youpehoo.
Only you can see who is prioritised in your Feed. You can control whose posts are prioritised even higher on your Feed by adding them to Favourites.
Manage what you see
You can control what you see from your Feed preferences or check your privacy settings.

Some of the options for managing what you see in your Feed include:
  • Select a person or Page to add to Favourites.
  • Snooze a person, Page or group.
  • Hide or unfollow posts from people, Pages or groups.
To see what influences the order of posts you're seeing in your Feed:
  1. Go to the post.
  2. Click more in the top right and select Why am I seeing this post?